Líderes indígenas pueden tener acceso a educación y a herramientas para generar cambios en sus comunidades a través de tus aportes.
Líderes indígenas pueden tener acceso a educación y a herramientas para generar cambios en sus comunidades a través de tus aportes.
Vísita nuestra página de DONACIONES ESPECIALES. Desde allí podrás donar a necesidades específicas de la comunidad.
By clicking below you can make a direct contribution to Wájaro using your personal or business PayPal account or credit or debit card via PayPal. Please note that this donation method is not tax deductible.
By clicking below you will be directed to the South America Mission (SAM) website. Wájaro has a partnership with SAM that allows US individuals and organizations to receive a tax-deduction for their charitable contribution to Wájaro (a legal Colombian organization and not a U.S. organization).
By clicking below you will be directed to the South America Mission, Canada (CANSAM) website. Wájaro has a partnership with CANSAM that allows Canadian individuals and organizations to receive a tax-deduction for their charitable contribution to Wájaro (a legal Colombian organization and not a Canadian organization).
Fundación Wájaro NIT. 901071239-5
Davivienda cuenta de ahorros: #0086 7050 7618